To receive a DSF Scholarship you must meet the following requirements and complete the application process within one year of your graduation from high school:
Attend a DPS High School for all four consecutive years before graduation and be included in the DPS October Count for all four years.
Graduate from a DPS High School with at least a 2.0 GPA. Your final cumulative high school GPA will determine the type of college where you will be eligible to receive the DSF scholarship (please see the High School GPA Requirement section for important details).
Demonstrate financial need (see DSF website for details).
FAFSA School Code Database. You can use the Federal School Code Database to search for colleges you’re interested in to include on your FAFSA. You can also find detailed college information, like tuition and fee amounts and graduation rates, and compare information for up to 10 colleges at a time.
A: CASFA is a safe, easy way to apply for state financial aid if you are a Colorado ASSET (Advancing Students for a Stronger Tomorrow) student. Non-U.S. citizen, resident, and non-resident students can use the CASFA to apply for institutional financial aid.
How to save your Google Content from your DPS Account
Reminder that graduates will lose access to their DPS account July 1st of their graduating year.
Included is a google doc with instructions on how to create an archive of DPS Google Content for seniors or students exiting DPS. Save any content by June 30th to avoid losing access to your documents/emails.